“We do not accept that European standardized products with Morocco labeling are blocked”, annoys the main Moroccan agricultural employers’ union

We, as farmers, do not accept that European standardized products with Morocco labeling are blocked“, reacted Monday June 3 Youssef Alaoui, the secretary general of the Moroccan Confederation of Agriculture and Rural Development (COMADER), the main Moroccan agricultural employers’ union, while French and Spanish farmers organized blockades on both sides of the Pyrenees. These French and Spanish farmers are demanding, a few days before the European elections, a fully harmonized agricultural policy. They also denounce unfair competition, according to them, from fruits and vegetables particularly from the other side of the Mediterranean, such as Morocco.

These French and Spanish farmers mention in particular the cost of labor in Morocco, which is lower than in France. “To my knowledge, there is a minimum wage in France, but I don’t think it is common across Europe. And we are not asking the Italian or Romanian or Polish farmer to fall in line. I would not like to return to a false debate like that of the Polish plumber“, replies Youssef Alaoui. He adds that Moroccan farmers respect “completely sanitary standards“, specifying that the labeling clearly states “origin Morocco“.

Franceinfo: To your knowledge, have any of your shipments been targeted today?

No. Unlike May 15 when goods were ransacked, this is not the case today.

In Perpignan, on May 15, the cargo of cherry tomatoes from one of the heavy goods vehicles coming from Morocco was partly unloaded onto the road.

Yes exactly. And here, I would like to reestablish certain things, because when we talk about unfair competition and we imply that Moroccan tomatoes and cherry tomatoes do not respect health and environmental standards: this is false, we totally respect health standards. Otherwise you will not find tomatoes on French stalls. That wouldn’t be possible. There are control bodies, there is the repression of fraud and I also come back to the labeling of origin, it is indeed clearly mentioned Morocco origin.

In 2023, we found punnets of cherry tomatoes for less than one euro in Leclerc hypermarkets, this was the subject of a demonstration by farmers who came to stick labels of Moroccan origin on the punnets. Does this make you angry?

It makes me angry simply because the Moroccan origin is mentioned. This is a mandatory standard and the Moroccan origin is clearly mentioned, I did not understand the point of this approach.

This was to show that Moroccan punnets are much cheaper, one euro per punnet for Moroccan cherry tomatoes compared to around three euros for French cherry tomatoes.

We have sun all year round, we produce all year round.

“During the winter, if we had to produce cherry tomatoes in France, it would have to be done in heated greenhouses with a significant carbon footprint, it is very energy-intensive.”

Youssef Alaoui

on franceinfo

What does the consumer want? He wants tomatoes that meet European standards all year round.

These tomatoes come first by boat, then by truck, you have a transport cost. You say that you respect all the standards in force in Europe. How do you manage to have tomatoes three times cheaper than French tomatoes?

We have constant sunshine which really makes a difference. We actually have, for example in the Sousse region, the Agadir region which has been highly productive for several years, a desalination station which allows us to have water all year round. And so these recurring problems of water stress, we do not have them in principle for tomatoes. And I believe that on this, it’s like on other products, we are, in terms of productivity, better than France, especially during the winter period, which means that we are less expensive. On certain products, for example French wheat which arrives in Morocco, we are importers of more than two million tonnes, 2,200,000 tonnes exactly. French wheat actually, since it meets the standards, comes in and is much more competitive than Moroccan wheat.

What do you say to the farmers you have heard about the dams who talk about unfair competition? They particularly mention the cost of labor in Morocco, which is lower than in France.

There is an hourly minimum wage in Morocco. There is social coverage in Morocco. And this minimum wage is related to the standard of living. To my knowledge, there is a minimum wage in France, but I don’t think it is common across Europe. And we are not asking the Italian or Romanian or Polish farmer to fall in line. I would not like to return to a false debate like that of the Polish plumber.

Are you afraid that the French will no longer eat cherry tomatoes? Is France a big market for you?

I came today because there was this demonstration planned, to repeat that indeed what was done on May 16 is unacceptable. We, as farmers, do not accept that European standardized products with Morocco labeling are blocked.

“Morocco exports 50,000 tonnes of cherry tomatoes out of the 500,000 tonnes consumed in France.”

Youssef Alaoui

on franceinfo

In Spain, you took the case to court. Do you intend to do the same thing in France?

It is also being brought to justice in France.

Were the people who vandalized Moroccan trucks in Perpignan on May 15 arrested?

No, but we have hired a lawyer in France and Spain, and indeed, justice is taking its course. It’s followed in Morocco and it’s not well received. You know, the trade balance works in favor of France.

France has a trade balance surplus.

Surplus with the products you know how to make. You know how to make wheat, you know how to make cheese and there is no problem with that. Everyone does what they can do. France is a country with an agricultural and exporting vocation, we must not forget that. So wanting to close yourself entirely on a product…

“I have the impression that the cherry tomato is to somewhat hide all the problems of French agriculture.”

Youssef Alaoui

on franceinfo

I believe that there are other concerns, other current debates which mean that I would not want the cherry tomato to be a cover for many other things which do not concern us, which concern agriculture French.

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