“We did not wait to hear pans to listen to the French”, says Gabriel Attal

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Despite the noises and the jokes, the members of the government are determined to go to the field. “We did not wait to hear pans to listen to the French”, assured Tuesday, April 25 at the microphone of RTL, the Minister of Public Accounts. Asked about the heckled ministers during their travels, Gabriel Attal affirmed that “the important”is to continue “to move around and that we go into contact with the French”. Follow our live.

Emmanuel Macron in Vendôme for a trip on the theme of health. The Head of State is going to Vendôme (Loir-et-Cher), Tuesday April 25, accompanied by the Minister of Health, François Braun to visit the city’s multidisciplinary university health center (MSPU). They will discuss with the nursing staff on “issues of access to care, attractiveness of the profession and training“, specified the Elysée, in a context of growing medical desertification on the territory.

The movements of several ministers disrupted on Monday. Several members of government faced rallies and pot concerts. The visit to Lyon by the Minister of Education was greatly disrupted, Pap Ndiaye had to reorganize his visit. Traveling at the same time to the University Hospital of Poitiers (Vienne), François Braun, arrived to the sound of pots and the boos of a few dozen demonstrators. In Sarthe, it was Eric Dupond-Moretti, who came to inaugurate a support structure for detainees at the end of their sentence in a prison in Coulaines, who was greeted by a noisy concert given by around 150 demonstrators.

After a diatribe on pensions, the Minister of Culture responds. The 34th Molières ceremony, which was held on Monday evening, took a political turn. “Long live the casseroles!“, said two actresses facing Rima Abdul Malak. A few seconds later, something extremely rare at a ceremony of this kind, the Minister of Culture got up and took a microphone to defend her record. “Today, there is a Ministry of Culture which defends loud and clear the French cultural exception, which defends the system of intermittence which is a source of pride for our country. You have a ministry that provided massive aid during the (health) crisis to support you all“, she defended.

The French will get tired of these demonstrations,” said François Patriat. The president of the Renaissance group in the Senate denounced Monday on franceinfo “an unacceptable situation, with ministers, elected officials prevented from performing their duties”. And the senator from Côte-d’Or added: There are often few people present, a few dozen people, a few hundred. They are minority people, even if there is anger in the country“.

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