“We did not expect it …”: Koh-Lanta – Alexia Laroche-Joubert confirms that other candidates cheated

Tuesday evening, the episode of Koh Lanta has certainly gone down in history. Teheiura was excluded by Denis Brogniart after his cheating. Indeed, the legendary adventurer of the show for whom it was the fifth participation asked for food from locals during the filming in Polynesia. Misdeeds that he immediately confirmed when he confronted the host. It has since been suspected that other candidates are involved in this scandal, including Claude, Sam and Laurent.

To see a little more clearly about the circumstances of this cheating, Cyril Hanouna invited the producer of Koh Lanta Alexia Laroche-Joubert to react and deliver her version in Do not touch My TV this Wednesday, November 10, 2021. “The story is that we heard rustling in the returns of the microphones, we heard stories related to papayas. We went to see the adventurers and, asking the questions, Teheiura directly confessed that he had cheated and that he had had food delivered and had shared it around him“she said.

It was then an unprecedented rebound for all the teams in the program. “We were extremely surprised, We did not expect that, this is a first in Koh Lanta !“Especially since the production had”just be careful“because she knew there could be a risk given that Teheiura was originally from Polynesia. “We told him about it, we paid attention“, hammered Alexia Laroche-Joubert. An investigation followed and, four days later, the verdict was rendered: Teheiura was to be excluded.

Christelle discovered the pot aux roses

Alexia Laroche-Joubert therefore confirmed that other people were indeed involved. But then, why only sanction Teheiura? “It turns out thatwe decided to sanction the person who had organized the arrival of the food and not those who consumed. Teheiura never revealed who he shared the food with but we know some“, she admitted. Gilles Verdez then took charge of revealing names for her.”According to my information, it was Christelle who discovered papayas, she went crazy and while investigating you discovered that Teheiura had not isolated himself. Several times he called in boatmen, and shared with Sam and Claude. It’s still weird that you let them continue. I have many other names“, he addressed to the producer.

And for her to answer: “We have in fact taken the decision to sanction that Teheiura, he did something serious in a game. We thought it was just a papaya story, we asked ourselves the question. He couldn’t take his second chance. On the other hand, it is not because there has been misguidance that it calls into question what it is, it belongs to the family Koh Lanta. It was Denis Brogniart who told us that we had to keep it for the final jury because it is important“.

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