We déguédine and we decarbonize

Since the sovereignty proposal, no government has managed to submit a real social project for Quebec. The idea of ​​independence is now withered, and a majority of French baby boomers remain stuck with a vague feeling. The almost half-century in power of this line, however, is coming to an end.

Posted at 6:00 a.m.

Next, sang Jacques Brel.

The new generation knows what it wants: a green, low-carbon Quebec. And she is right. For multiple environmental, social and economic reasons.

It is time to collectively set ourselves this task: A ZERO CARBON QUÉBEC BY 2050. This is the big project.

But our leaders will still have to decalcify their minds themselves, and give themselves an electric will to take action.

If Prime Minister Legault wants to leave an important legacy of his time in politics, he should embrace this project. Otherwise, his legacy could remain stuck in the management of the pandemic. A very short chapter in the political gospel of Quebec.

To do this, with its tenor ministers, it will not be necessary to consider economic development in an accountable and dusty way, but rather to conceive it in a visionary and XXIe century.

Admittedly, the government has given itself a Plan for a 2030 green economy, and the Prime Minister expressed his intentions on the energy transition a few days ago. But why don’t we really believe it? Why do we feel this fake potentially?

Because the signals are contradictory.

First of all, this priority on the transition was not stated as such during the electoral campaign.

And then, the processing of the file for the Horne foundry, in Abitibi, or the idea of ​​looking for foreign companies, with the carrot of power supply contracts cheapo. Or the answers dictated to the Minister of the Environment, which make him lose more credibility every day that the Good Lord brings.

When René Lévesque nationalized electricity, when Robert Bourassa implemented his James Bay development plan, Claude Castonguay created health insurance, the sums at stake were enormous. They must have surely experienced moments of vertigo. But they had plans, thought out, believed in their good omens, and went for it.

This is called resolution, backed up by deep convictions, and stomach.

This is exactly what we do not currently feel from the government. The speech does not convince. A sense of boneless politics.

However, a clear plan, planned in time, quantified and verifiable, backed by genuine political determination, would send an extraordinary message. And if it were well sold, would have a planetary echo.

Last week, a specialist, Yvan Cliche, explained in these pages how the commitments of companies to emit no GHGs within 20-30 years are exploding around the world.1. And how Quebec can become a land of choice for them.

Let’s also add how the shareholders of global investment funds are becoming more and more militant, and demanding climate rectitude. Countless funds are divesting from companies involved in the exploitation of fossil fuels. This trend is irreversible and to our advantage, absolutely.

As we know, very few countries in the world have this extraordinary asset that is hydroelectricity, to achieve this zero carbon objective.

What this portrait sends out as a signal is that such a plan can be really lucrative. Among other things, by welcoming other types of businesses, less energy-hungry and more innovative, for example, without putting their hands too much in our pockets, or selling off our hydroelectric reserves. That’s rare, and it would change us…

But the grand design is to develop local knowledge, expertise and businesses. And industrial clusters, which will eventually be able to shine and sell their practices around the world. In short, to develop endogenously.

This initiative would also put us in harmony with a generation at the gates of power. So let’s get ahead.

And we have the perfect organization to lead this project: Hydro-Québec. Its president, Sophie Brochu, is brilliant and current. This woman knows where she is going. But it will have to be given a clear mandate. In particular on the increase in production capacity, all resources combined, and to build the infrastructure necessary for the electrification of transport, for example.

For this to work, the PM and his share of too rococo elected officials will have to be vaccinated against these sudden crises, which make them fantasize about communion with the bigshots energy guzzlers. A pleasurable short-term spasm, but an evanescent pleasure with modernity.

Let’s not be satisfied with economic flagosses. Let’s see far, and big, like Messrs. Lévesque and Bourassa.

We have not yet exploited all the added value, released all the juice of their historical visions. They nationalized and developed this sector with a view to energy self-sufficiency, but also for its commercial value, let’s not forget.

The Prime Minister has all the necessary power, and the incredible opportunity to bring about this magnificent social project. The possibility of leaving an indelible mark of his passage in politics.

Come on, let’s be opportunistic, the window is there!

Think big, sti!

We deguedine and we decarbonize.

Between us

I read a few years ago Red Noticethis true story, epic of an investor of American origin in Russia, to whom the Putin regime tries to make the skin financially, and of which it assassinates the partner, Sergei Magnitsky.

In his quest for redemption, he passed the Magnitsky Act in dozens of countries, which allows them to impose sanctions, such as asset freezes or visa bans, on those responsible for Magnitsky’s murder. This dear Vladimir feels targeted, and he is right.

Freezing Orderthe sequel released this year, is just as thrilling.

A book that makes you sleep late.

I still refund if necessary.

Freezing Order

Freezing Order

Simon & Schuster

336 pages

source site-58