“We couldn’t anymore…”: Camille Lacourt and his partner Alice explain their departure from Paris without detour

Back to school in September had a taste of adventure for Camille Lacourt and his companion Alice Detollenaere who have decided to treat themselves to a fairly radical change of life. Based in Paris for several years, the former swimming star, who reigned over the pools, becoming Olympic champion and quickly enjoying great popularity with the French, had decided to leave his native south for the capital. It was there that he met the one who shares his life today and with whom he had an adorable boy, little Marius (1 year old) who fills them with happiness.

For several months, we could follow the back and forth of the couple in the direction of the south of France, but without really knowing what they had in mind. At the beginning of September, Alice Detollenaere finally announced the good news to her subscribers on Instagram, the couple has just moved to Marseille! A city well known to Camille Lacourt, a native of Narbonne and who lived for several years in the Marseille city. A new beginning made inevitable, as the former Miss Burgundy explained in her story: “It was not easy to move to the South, but we are so much better. Paris with children, we could not live it anymore. Even if Paris remains in my heart and in my schedule.”

Alice has a lot of projects in mind since her arrival in Marseille

Visibly very happy in Marseille, Alice will take the opportunity to move forward on many projects, as she later reveals (the story can be found in the slideshow). “Back-to-school resolutions: live more peacefully, pass my license (…) take the time to develop my professional projects, continue sport gently”, she lists, publishing at the same time an adorable photo of Marius with the ex of Valérie Bègue. She finally ends with a little useful advice for her subscribers on social networks: “I stopped following accounts on my networks that bring me nothing. I only subscribe to inspiring people, who give me pep and balm to my heart.”

Permanently settled in Marseille, Camille Lacourt and Alice Detollenaere are delighted with this change of life and for now, everything is going wonderfully!

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