On Tuesday, he spoke to Emmanuel Macron and the government about “recognition, passion and duty”.
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While Emmanuel Macron will accept the resignation of Gabriel Attal and his government at the end of the day, the man who was elected president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly made a solemn declaration during the Council of Ministers on Tuesday, July 16. He highlighted “recognition, passion and duty”according to the text of his speech obtained by franceinfo.
“Recognition, Mr. President of the Republic, of course, for the trust that you have placed in us, collectively, and that we have all honored, loyally.”said Gabriel Attal, greeting “a united, determined and fighting team”.
He then spoke about the “passion with which, for 6 months, two years, 7 years, we have served France, undertaken major transformations for our country“. He then emphasized the “exceptional sense of duty which animated the entire government team”. Gabriel Attal then insisted on “the duty that will motivate us until the last minute to ensure the continuity of the State, for as long as you deem it necessary, on the eve of major events for our country”referring to the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Finally, Gabriel Attal spoke vaguely about the future. “We could have disappeared.
We have avoided the worst. The future is yet to be written,” he declared while the Renaissance group in the National Assembly is torn between its influence and that of Gérald Darmanin, who calls for working with the Republican Right, a group chaired by Laurent Wauquiez.