We cook the Easter bunny with Thierry VINCENT from “la Bolée” in Nancy.

Thierry, our chef, gave us two recipes: a gigolette of rabbit à la Provençale and the famous rabbit with mustard.

Colette, from Hadol, gave us a rabbit terrine recipe that she got from a friend.

Our leader

Thierry VINCENT is a crêpe maker and master restaurateur at the “La Bolée” crêperie in Nancy.

Our culinary expert

Stéphane “barbecue” THE barbecue specialist on social networks, explained to us how to cook a rabbit on a spit or… On the barbecue.

One day a trade

Because “small trade” is also a form of short circuit and because our traders know the seasons of the products, every day we call a trade to take ideas and note the prices. Today it was Yannick Martineau, from Nancy’s central market, who told us about Fribourg, county and goat’s cheese.

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