We cook morels with Lorraine PIERRAT

Lorraine PIERRAT explained to us how to choose morels, and the difference between fresh morels, which must be cooked well otherwise they are toxic, and dried morels.

She gave us a great recipe for morel papillote, morel gratin and stuffed morel

André, who listens to us at Saint Nicolas de Port, gave us a great recipe for fricassee of green asparagus and morels.

Our chef

Lorraine PIERRAT is chef and patroness of the Domaine de Saint Romary in Saint Etienne les Remiremont.

Our culinary expert

Karine is a druggist in Nancy (near rue Raugraff, Porte de la Craffe ….) she explained to us that we needed mushroom and vegetable dehydrators. It allows you to keep the mushrooms that you have picked up for a long time

One day a trade

Every Tuesday detour to the butchers of Lorraine to ask them what they want at the moment. Arnaud DAVAL, our butcher from Val d’Ajol, told us about the medallion and roast veal (it’s around 40 euros per kg), and chicken (to go with the morels).

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