“We can’t…”, “TPMP” accused of being on the far right, a furious former columnist, lets loose!

Wednesday, February 2, a CNRS researcher, Claire Sécail explained on France Inter having watched “210 hours of broadcast including a few Face à Baba and a few Balance ton poste”since last September, and until next April 22, to conclude that Cyril Hanouna would give too much airtime to the far right.

According to her, in her daily show, political topics cover 17% on average. Of this figure, 52.9% is devoted to far-right candidates. “That’s wrong. Many say it’s 53% of ‘TPMP’ airtime, while political airtime is only 17% of the show, so it’s only 8.5 % of global emission”replied Baba on the February 1 broadcast. “Then, we are not going to lie to each other. Éric Zemmour is always a hit with the audience”, he continued. “So we are talking about Éric Zemmour, why? We are not going to lie to each other, it is he who is most talked about today”. In response, Claire Sécail tweeted ironically: “Drunk, she decides to transcribe the same evening the sequence of TPMP in which she has her reputation badly ruined and that of the whole institution which pays her shamefully to watch the sequence of TPMP in which she has her reputation badly ruined” .

In the 6 to 7presented by Benjamin Castaldi, the words of the latter annoyed Francesca Antoniotti. “We can blame everything on Cyril but for giving pride of place to the far right. It’s amazing, when you know his values…”she let go quite upset. “We have the impression that the more the show hits the more we try to push it. It’s a real-false trial (…) The real problem is that it bothers those who have the card, those who are supposed to talk politics…”

See also: Big clash in “TPMP” between two guests, Cyril Hanouna firmly threatens them to fire them live, annoyed by their behavior


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