“We cannot stay in Mali at any price” declares Florence Parly

The Minister for the Armed Forces notes “that the conditions of [l’intervention française au Mali] whether military, economic, political, are made more and more difficult”.

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“We cannot stay in Mali at any price”, explained on France Inter Florence Parly, the Minister of the Armed Forces, while tensions are growing with the junta in power. “What we want is to be able to continue the fight against terrorism because this fight is not over”, detailed Florence Parly, pointing out that “Terrorism is even spreading to border states” of Mali.

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For Florence Parly, however, it is necessary “to note that the conditions of our intervention, whether military, economic or political, are made more and more difficult”. “Today Mali is ruled by a junta, which is the result of a double coup whose legitimacy is therefore questionable., she clarified. This is a junta that is obviously trying to hold on to power for as long as possible.”

“We only intervene because a sovereign state asks us to”, underlined Florence Parly, “we are not like the Wagner force”, a group of Russian paramilitaries present on Malian soil. “We are not mercenaries, we are not paid.”

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