Former minister Corine Lepage believes “that we have the capacity to achieve the 2030 objective in terms of renewable energy, that is to say, to triple. We can do it, we already have almost everything we need. ‘it takes to get there!’
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“We can’t miss the 2 degree mark”declared on franceinfo Sunday December 3 Corine Lepage, former Minister of the Environment, co-President of Cap21, environmentalist and European MP from 2009 to 2014, as COP28 begins its second week on Monday, in Dubai. “I think we need to stop saying that we will be able to reach 1.5 degrees, that is no longer possible”, insisted the co-president. In 2015, the Paris agreement aimed to contain warming “well below 2 degrees” compared to the pre-industrial period, and if possible at 1.5 degrees.
“I really believe in renewables”continued Corine Lepage, “We need to focus on that.” The former minister believes “that we have the capacity to achieve the 2030 objective in terms of renewable energy, that is to say, to triple it. We can do it, we already have almost everything we need to get there! “
Regarding the challenges of major meetings such as the COPs, Corine Lepage recalls that “this is where the countries of the South and the first countries concerned can express themselves”. Furthermore, she welcomes the presence, for the first time, of local authorities at the negotiating table, “Its very important”because it’s at their level “that things are done materially”explains Corine Lepage.