Aurélien Rousseau returned on Wednesday to the plan to combat smoking announced the day before. The price of a packet of cigarettes must notably reach 13 euros by 2026. “Addictologists say that from one euro, it has a behavioral effect,” specifies the Minister of Health.
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“Tobacco causes 200 deaths per day. We must react”, alert Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health, on franceinfo Wednesday November 29. The price of a packet of cigarettes will increase to 12 euros in 2025, then 13 euros in 2026. “I announced these measures a year in advance because when you have extremely high inflation, the French are very concerned about their purchasing power”, he explains. He is “essential” according to him, that they understand that it is “public health” and that the State “don’t pick their pockets”.
“We cannot let 200 people die a day”insists Aurélien Rousseau. “If at the end of the implementation of this plan, there are 10-20-50-100 fewer people per day dying from the effects of tobacco, it will have been a success”for the Minister of Health.
He hears the criticism of Alliance Against Tobacco which judges that“getting to 13 euros in 2027 is extremely insufficient”. Its president, Loïc Josseran, deplores a lack of “political courage”. Aurélien Rousseau assures that he “don’t be afraid of tobacconists” which will also be necessary “support because more and more, they can no longer rely solely on tobacco”. Then the minister justifies himself: “My subject is that there is a real public health effect. I respect the position of the Alliance Against Tobacco but addictologists say that from one euro, it has a behavioral effect. There, we twice a euro. So, it will have an effect.” Furthermore, he emphasizes that “If another product increased that much today, we would scream. There is a real tax impact”.
Tobacco-free beaches, forests and public parks
But at the same time, the minister does not want the increase in the price of cigarettes to be perceived “just as a tax measure”. Moreover, “it can’t work if it’s just punitive”, he believes. Aurélien Rousseau thus relies on “support plan” so that 2024 is a year “where collectively, we try to stop smoking”. The Ministry of Health and Prevention “will develop all possible tools”he assures.
Aurélien Rousseau also announced Tuesday, November 28 that tobacco-free spaces will be generalized to all beaches, public parks, forests, and around certain public places, notably schools. He calls Franceinfo, “common sense” and at “civility”. “Only in France do we smoke next to schools”. The objective: to protect “the most fragile”. Smokers who deviate from these new rules will be subject to a fine, “since it’s forbidden” but “the goal is first and foremost civics”. Aurélien Rousseau is confident: “In the 7,200 smoke-free spaces in France […] It’s very widely respected.”.
The government also wants to tackle puffs, these disposable electronic cigarettes with varied flavors, often sweet, and popular with young people. A transpartisan bill aimed at banning them is under consideration in the National Assembly. “There will be back and forths with the European Commission because there is a subject of banning a product and therefore harming competition”. However, the Minister of Health wants “differentiate between these products to attract new audiences”young people in this case, and “people who have stopped smoking and who use e-cigarettes to stop”. Aurélien Rousseau reiterates that the government will “to try” to put in place “a neutral package on the vape”.
Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable mortality in France, with an average of 75,000 deaths per year, according to the latest report from the Ministry of Health and Prevention, published Tuesday November 28.