“we cannot envisage a European Parliament without an environmentalist deputy”, defends Marine Tondelier


Video length: 19 min

Europeans: “we cannot envisage a European Parliament without an environmentalist deputy”, defends Marine Tondelier
Europeans: “we cannot envisage a European Parliament without an environmentalist deputy”, defends Marine Tondelier
(France Info)

As part of the European elections, Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the environmental group, was the guest of 19/20 info, Thursday May 30.

According to the latest polls, the environmentalists may not reach 5% of votes, and therefore not send any MPs to the European Parliament. “There are thousands of French men and women who do not know if they are going to vote and who do not know who they are going to vote for (…) many people say to themselves that it is not possible not to have no environmentalist MP. They are right, we cannot envisage a European Parliament without it., explains Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the environmental group. She believes that “this election is vital”.

Last weekend, Manon Aubry, head of the LFI list, estimated that environmentalists were on her list and not on the EELV list. “Since she said that, a lot of people have told us that they don’t think it’s correct”, replies the politician. According to her, the priority is to send as many green deputies as possible to the European Parliament. Concerning the situation in Gaza, the guest finds “France’s position is hypocritical (…) French diplomacy, if it does not change paradigm, it cuts itself off from the southern countries”she warns.

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