The trade unionist assures that she “will ensure that those who leave, leave with dignity and in the best possible conditions”.
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“We cannot be satisfied with so many liquidated jobs”reacted Wednesday April 24 on franceinfo Estelle Silbermann, CFDT union delegate at Casino, while the “reorganization project” of the group, presented to staff representatives on Wednesday, plans between 1,293 and 3,267 job cuts, depending on the number of large format stores and logistics warehouses not yet sold.
Estelle Silbermann “do not know” if there remains room for negotiations on the reorganization project, but “at the level of the CFDT and the inter-union, we are obviously focused on the interests of the employees and we will ensure that those who leave, leave with dignity and in the best possible conditions”assures the unionist.
554 positions eliminated at the Saint-Étienne headquarters
The voluntary departure plan “is absolutely unclear today”estimates Estelle Silbermann, “since a voluntary departure plan is made to cushion the consequences of a social employment plan”. According to the CFDT representative, “management seems to be talking about people who can leave if they have a professional project”. But according to her, for “to reduce the impact of layoffs, we must let people leave with good conditions, but let all the volunteers go, that is the whole meaning of a voluntary departure plan.”
Estelle Silbermann also warns of the particular situation of Saint-Étienne, the group’s historic headquarters, affected by the elimination of 554 positions. “Behind each position, there are employees who are waiting to know what tomorrow will bring, in Saint-Étienne and elsewhere.” But the CFDT delegate points out that “the employment area is not very dynamic” in the Saint-Etienne region. “We will also have to work on this subject, with all the possible forces around us”adds Estelle Silbermann.