“We cannot accommodate all the misery in the world,” declares Emmanuel Macron



Video duration:
1 minute


“France is doing its part. We must be human, but we must be rigorous,” defended the head of state on Sunday evening, during an interview with TF1 and France 2.

The resumption of a strong statement from Michel Rocard. We have a social model that is generous and we cannot accommodate all the misery in the world.” declared French President Emmanuel Macron, during an interview on “20 Heures” on TF1 and France 2, Sunday September 24.

The head of state was questioned on the migration issue at the start of the interview, the day after Pope Francis’ visit to Marseille, during which he called for solidarity with migrants. “THE Pope is right to call for this start against indifference: we are talking about women and men, we must never forget that.” replied Emmanuel Macron. L‘Europe is the continent that does the most’, And “We French, we are doing our part. We are investing two billion euros for what we call emergency accommodation.” “France is doing its part. We must be human, but we must be rigorous”, he defended.

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