Guest of France 2, Wednesday evening, the minister in charge of the end-of-life bill confirmed that the text will be presented “during December” in the Council of Ministers.
She is the minister in charge of the end of life bill, and she herself faced this question for someone close to her. “It was my mother in this case, it was a little over ten years ago, testified Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, guest of a special evening on France 2, Wednesday October 11. When she asked me to accompany her, my response was ‘I’m not allowed’. I don’t know why I said that at the time but that was my answer.” And to add: “If I had the right, if French law allowed it, would I have done it? My answer was yes.”
“That doesn’t mean I made a fight out of it, wanted to clarify the delegated minister in charge of territorial organization and health professions. But I believe that we can through the law, under certain conditions, offer this choice to the person.”
A text presented “during December”
“We must also build this French model of end-of-life support”, continued Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, who believes that“hasno foreign model can be duplicated in full in our country”. “Moving forward on palliative care is a unanimous subject. In France we still have unequal access to palliative care.”
She has also confirmed that the end of life bill will be presented “during December” in the Council of Ministers. Nowadays, “he We still have a few points to decide.”.