“We can really win,” says Bertrand Pancher, president of the Liot group at the National Assembly

On June 8, the opposition group will table a bill aimed at repealing the law promulgated by the government. “It’s important for democracy,” said the deputy of the Meuse.

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Bertrand Plancher, the president of the Liot group at the National Assembly, March 20, 2023. (BERTRAND GUAY / AFP)

“We can really win”, ensures Saturday, May 13 on France Inter, Bertrand Pancher, president of the Liot group in the National Assembly. On June 8, his group will defend in the National Assembly a bill to repeal the pension reform and therefore the retirement age at 64.

On March 20, the group Freedoms, independents, overseas territories and territories had already made the government tremble by tabling a cross-partisan motion of censure which was only 9 votes short of being adopted.

>>> Pensions: the inter-union “solemnly” asks parliamentarians to vote for the repeal of the decline in the retirement age

The deputies of the Nupes and the RN should support this bill. This time again, it is the LR deputies who will therefore make the difference, indicates Bertrand Pancher. “There were 19 who voted for the motion of censure, I am told that there are 25 who are frontally against this pension reform”. The deputy for Meuse is also counting on “abstentionists” among the majority. “We never voted for article 7, in the context of the debates, on the mandatory extension of retirement. I think that there, we will decide”he adds, stating that “It’s important for democracy”.

“There is panic fear in the majority”

If this text were voted by the National Assembly, Bertrand Pancher assures “it will be a real political earthquake”. “There is panic fear in the relative majority and in the government, he thinks, and we must not take the French for fools: it will be a political earthquake. If the deputies, elected by direct universal suffrage, finally decide on this law, I do not see how President Macron could not take it into account.

The president of the Lio groupyou hope through this “weigh on the implementing decrees” pension law. “We are in a democracy and not a banana republic, where the representatives of the people must express themselves”, he concludes.

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