“We can only welcome this solution positively”, assures the president of CroissancePlus

SMEs and ETIs (mid-sized companies) today constitute the main industrial fabric of France. Salaries, energy bills, jobs under pressure, how can these small businesses respond to the major challenges of the moment. Audrey Louail, president of CroissancePlus, a network which represents more than 500 entrepreneurs, answers questions from franceinfo.

franceinfo: In the current context, do companies affiliated with CroissancePlus have something to grind for employees? What about the employee dividend?

Audrey Louail: In terms of form, the employee dividend seems essential to me. We are men and women convinced that success can only be collective, with our employees. We share the fruits of growth with our employees. On the other hand, I think that on the form there are many mechanisms which exist today and which work well. It is simply necessary to give them more readability, for SMEs and employees, and also to work on taxation.

Should we tax the superprofits of the big energy companies?

Why not ? If it is a way to regulate. With us there are no superprofits. We reinvest everything in infrastructure, hardware and software, in innovation, and so on. So we are not at all in this pattern of superprofits.

The government plans to create a “short-term occupations” residence permit to encourage the recruitment of foreign workers in an irregular situation in sectors that are struggling to recruit. Is this a solution for you?

This is a solution and we can only welcome it positively. At CroissancePlus, we now have 11,000 positions open, corresponding to 15% of the payroll of our companies, which are not filled. We often hear, especially at the moment, that these are difficult jobs.

“You have to think that there are also skilled trades for which there is not enough skilled labor in France to be able to fill the positions that we have available.”

Audrey Louail, president of CroissancePlus

at franceinfo

We must train our young people more in the trades we need, and secondly, indeed, why not rely on the employment of foreigners.

Watch the full interview:

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