“We can not say on the one hand I claim my homosexuality and on the other, I marry a singer”, the producer of Pierre Palmade categorical, 27 years later on his marriage to Veronique Sanson!

He has always loved men and has always assumed it. However, Pierre Palmade needed a wife at some point in his life. More precisely in 1995. The one who knew how to capsize her heart is called Véronique Sanson. This one knew how to fill it for nine years. This Monday, April 24, in the documentary “Palmade, 30 years of demons”the relatives of the artist returned to this surprising union, but sincere for many.

As explained BFM TV, Pierre Palmade has always assumed his homosexuality. Even if he “multiplies one-night stands”this does not “not satisfied”. “It is then with a woman that he will find love. On June 30, 1995, he married the singer Véronique Sanson, 20 years his senior”remind our colleagues.

Christophe Combarieu, producer of Pierre Palmade, remembers that the artist’s marriage to Véronique Sanson first “make laugh”. “Because you can’t say on one side ‘I claim my homosexuality’ and on the other say ‘I’m going to marry a singer'”, he argues. Despite everything, the producer is convinced: “But I think there was real love between them. I think there was something really sincere. Neither of them had anything to gain from this story.”.

See also: The producer of Pierre Palmade speaks for the first time: the ultra creepy nickname he gave to the comedian!

Pierre Palmade needed a woman at some point in his life

At the time, Pierre Palmade is questioned about this marriage which finally ended nine years later. “It was sincere I imagine? Because everyone laughed at the time”asks a journalist before the 55-year-old artist assures: “Of course it was sincere. It was the time when I didn’t like being gay. I didn’t recognize myself in the gay world and when I saw this woman fall in love with me, I felt less alone, happy, I wanted to be loved by her”.

“And suddenly I fell in love with her. As gay as I was, I preferred to be with her than with a boy”he explained with great sincerity.


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