“We can move forward as planned on the lifting of the last restrictions”, confirms the spokesman of the government, Gabriel Attal

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6:02 p.m. : It’s time to make a new point on the news of the day.

• Nathalie Arthaud, the candidate of Lutte Ouvrière, obtained enough sponsorship to stand in the presidential election, according to figures from the Constitutional Council.

• The head of Russian diplomacy Sergei Lavrov called on his American counterpart Antony Blinken to “pragmatic dialogue” on security in Europe, during a telephone interview, after the announcement of the withdrawal of certain troops from the Belarusian border.

• The government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, confirmed, in a press briefing after the Council of Ministers, the choice of the executive to apply its timetable for lifting the restrictions. Follow our live.

An eighth victim was extracted from the rubble after a fire in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque, according to the public prosecutor of Perpignan, Jean-David Cavaillé.

2:39 p.m. : With a little delay, it’s time to take stock of the news of the day.

• The Kremlin has confirmed the start of a withdrawal of Russian forces stationed near the borders of Ukraine, citing a “normal process” and denouncing “hysteria” West on a supposed imminent invasion of this country by Moscow.

• The government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, confirmed, in a press briefing after the Council of Ministers, the choice of the executive to apply its timetable for lifting the restrictions. Follow our live.

An eighth victim was extracted from the rubble after a fire in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque, according to the public prosecutor of Perpignan, Jean-David Cavaillé.

• The trial of Nordahl Lelandais continues in Isère. Psychological and psychiatric experts are currently heard on the personality of the accused. Here is a story from the assize court.

2:27 p.m. : A “period of tolerance” 7 days “will be observed” for French men and women who are likely this Tuesday to lose their vaccination pass for lack of a reminder or infection, franceinfo learned from the Directorate General of Health (DGS). The deadline for taking a booster dose has been reduced to four months since today. According to estimates by health authorities, between 4 and 4.5 million people could lose their vaccination pass for lack of a reminder or infection.

1:31 p.m. : “We can move forward as planned on lifting the remaining restrictions.”

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal confirmed Tuesday, in a press briefing after the Council of Ministers, the choice of the executive to apply its timetable for lifting restrictions.

12:58 : The European office of the World Health Organization calls for an increased vaccination effort in Eastern Europe. He warns that the “tsunami” related to the Omicron variant advances to the East. In the past two weeks, Covid-19 cases have more than doubled in six countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine), noted WHO regional director Hans Kluge.

12:49 : The prices of antigenic tests and self-tests for Covid-19, dispensed in pharmacies, have been significantly reduced today. The price paid by health insurance for “sampling and analysis” goes from 19 to 15 euros, to which is always added the flat rate of 5 euros for recording the result in the SIDEP computer file. The government is seeking to limit the cost for Social Security, while 31 million antigen tests were carried out in January.

12:51 p.m. : It is noon, here is a new summary of the news:

• The Kremlin has confirmed the start of a withdrawal of Russian forces stationed near the borders of Ukraine, citing a “normal process” and denouncing “hysteria” West on a supposed imminent invasion of this country by Moscow.

• Emmanuel Macron is holding a new health defense council today, on the eve of a major lifting of restrictions. Follow our live.

• After the explosion and the fire which caused the death of seven people in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque, “we have elements that lead us to think of a criminal lead”said the public prosecutor of Perpignan, Jean-David Cavaillé, who mentioned an investigation “complex”.

• The four French biathletes Fabien Claude, Emilien Jacquelin, Simon Desthieux and Quentin Fillon Maillet finished second in the men’s relay. After a hotly contested race, the Blues took the silver medal behind the Norwegians.

• The trial of Nordahl Lelandais continues in Isère. Psychological and psychiatric experts are currently heard on the personality of the accused. Here is a story from the assize court.

11:21 a.m. : Blood reserves remain too low after two years of health crisis. “Anyone can donate blood”therefore underlined this morning François Toujas, president of the French Blood Establishment (EFS). “I can donate my blood as soon as I am vaccinated. I can donate my blood whether I have a health pass or whether I don’t have a health pass. I can finally donate my blood seven days after the start of Covid if I I had the Covid”he detailed on France 2.

10:06 : World number 1 Novak Djokovic is ready to miss Roland-Garros and Wimbledon for the price of his refusal to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, but he is not “anti vax”, he said in a BBC interview (in English). As a reminder, for lack of vaccination, Novak Djokovic had been expelled from Australia in January without being able to defend his title at the Australian Open.

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