The Minister Delegate in charge of Democratic Renewal wants to develop everywhere the “capacity to welcome this speech which wants to be freed”.
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On this Friday, March 8, International Women’s Day, “we can guarantee that not a single euro will be missing to support victims of violence against women”, promises Prisca Thevenot, Minister Delegate responsible for Democratic Renewal and government spokesperson, traveling to Corrèze. She was a guest of France Bleu Limousin on Friday morning.
Prisca Thevenot goes to Corrèze to meet local actors involved in the fight against discrimination and helping women victims of violence in rural areas. “We must at all times and in all places fight against the scourge of violence against womendeclares Prisca Thevenot. It exists in urban areas but also in rural areas.
Be a support “everywhere in the territory”
The delegate minister wants to develop everywhere “this ability to welcome this word which wants to be freed”. “Speech is freed” but “in rural areas, it’s much more complicatedbelieves Prisca Thevenot. We must be able to support associations which are everywhere in the territory.”
However, according to her, the State is already doing a lot in this area. “The State can and is doing more. The means are thereshe assures. In the current context, we can guarantee that not a single euro will be missing to support victims of violence against women.” She recalls that “concretely, in 2020, there were 30 million euros dedicated to the Ministry of Gender Equality, in charge in particular of this thorny subject. This year it’s 77.5 million euros, therefore an increase more than doubled.”