“We can go there with our heads held high”, rejoices Sandrine Rousseau, outgoing environmentalist MP

After the numerous criticisms made at the announcement of his inauguration in the 1st constituency of the North, Adrien Quatennens withdrew his candidacy. A positive message for victims of domestic violence in France, believes Sandrine Rousseau.


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Sandrine Rousseau, outgoing environmentalist deputy from Paris, welcomes the withdrawal of the candidacy of Adrien Quatennens in the 1st constituency of the North, for the legislative elections of 2024 (ALEXIS SCIARD / MAXPPP)

“This is a new stage for the Popular Front […] today we can go there with our heads held high”, rejoices Sandrine Rousseau, outgoing environmentalist MP from Paris, Sunday June 16, on France Inter. The candidate for re-election under the banner of the New Popular Front welcomes the withdrawal of Adrien Quatennens in the 1st constituency of the North. “It’s rare for candidates to give up like that, under popular pressure and the force of feminist activism. I’m delighted about that.”

Sandrine Rousseau recalls that there are nearly 200,000 victims of domestic violence in France, and that there were “a message to send to them saying, ‘we’re thinking about you, we have a program for you and your life could be changed if we win.'” The Ecologists now officially support Aurélien Le Coq in this constituency, designated by LFI to the detriment of Lille feminist activist Amy Bah. Sandrine Rousseau accepts this choice and now wants to move forward. “It’s within the parties that it’s decided, and so if LFI chose Aurélien Le Coq, it’s his choice, but now the important thing is that we go to battle.”

“Everything will be played out at a few points throughout France, we have the responsibility to be up to the task and this decision allows us to do so”she assures.

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