“We can feel a feeling of liberation and joy of living in this record”

Every day, a personality invites itself into the world of Élodie Suigo. Today, Australian singer, songwriter and actress, Kylie Minogue. Friday September 22 releases his 16th album “Tension”.

Australian singer, songwriter and actress, Kylie Minogue has already left her mark on five generations. Her first steps as an actress in the series Neighbors alongside Jason Donovan, gave him a meteoric rise and popularity with a public as won over as the profession. Her birth as a singer came with the title The Locomotion, we are still talking about it today, having become global and remaining at the top of Australian sales and charts for seven weeks at the time of its release. Since then, she has sold 80 million albums worldwide, accumulated five billion streams and eight of her albums have been ranked number 1 in the UK. She has also received numerous awards including three Brit Awards, two MTV Awards, five Grammy Awards. She is the only female artist to have a number 1 album for five consecutive decades in the UK.

This Friday, September 22, 2023, she releases her 16th album Tension.

franceinfo: We have the impression that this new album is a huge part of you.

Kylie Minogue: Yes, I think that ultimately it represents where I am at the moment in terms of life and career. It was liberating to not have any themes for the album. It was just: Is this song good, super good, and that makes it easy. I think you can feel a sense of liberation and joy of life in this record.

This album fights against gloom, there is really a positive energy, a desire to invite us onto the dancefloor. We obviously think of the famous duo with Oliver Heldens, the Dutch DJ. The crazy thing is that the public has always adopted you, it continues to be there. Children also continue to arrive and take over your music.

It’s incredible ! I can not believe it ! Generation after generation. It’s truly wonderful! For people who have followed me for a long time, we grew up together.

“I would like, of course, to be remembered as a good person, but also that I accompanied people through their lives. What a privilege!”

Kylie Minogue

at franceinfo

Over time, you have become precisely this pop star, this interplanetary star. Does it affect you that people and little girls want to be and become Kylie Minogue?

Really touched. I am very humbled to be an inspiration to anyone. Accompanying someone, being able to make people forget things, it’s great! Like I said, it’s an honor. It doesn’t just happen like that. I think people can see that it’s work, determination, sacrifice, all that, but I love doing it!

In this album, we realize that you let go, that you talk about yourself. The writing came very quickly too. It’s hard to let go, does it take time?

It depends who I’m writing with. I have a favorite team because I have a big history with its members of course. There are several tracks on the album that come from them, but when you find the people you love working with, it’s truly a joy. I have the impression that with this team, with whom I worked on Tension and other songs, I feel confident enough to express myself today. I realize that when we start to write, we don’t know why we write what we write; it’s only after the fact that we understand, saying to ourselves: Ah, it was really in my head.

“With the right people, you can really let go and express yourself as much as you want.”

Kylie Minogue

at franceinfo

What has changed the most between your debut in Neighbors or even with The Locomotion ? How do you view this journey?

There’s a lot to this question! I would say the main thing is experience. There’s an expression I really like that says you can’t take shortcuts when learning your craft and today I feel really satisfied. Through the ups and downs… It’s in the downs that we learn… We have more things in our toolbox to use. So I think that’s the biggest difference. What has stayed the same, thankfully, is my love for music and what it does to me. It’s a feeling that is greater than ever today.

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