“We butcher you if you want it to be natural…”

After several months of discretion, Eve Angeli has every intention of conquering her audience with her new opus called “Je sème”. In the past, the singer has unleashed passions with her essential hits. In parallel, the interpreter of “Our differences” has also participated in renowned programs. Like the “Celebrity Farm” in 2004 and “Splash: Le Grand p=Olongeon” in 2013. But the artist does not keep good memories of it, as she revealed this week in “At Jordan’s”. Eve Angeli says she injured her back “for life” because of the famous program.

Like many stars, the interpreter of “I say” be very careful with its plastic. At the beginning of her twenties, the main interested party has also redone her chest to erase a complex. “I had one breast smaller than the other. So it was more restorative. It was a complex. I still took the opportunity to go from a (cup) B to a C”, explained the ex-companion of Michel Rostaing. “It was not bad for my boyfriends. I did not have 10,000 before my husband. But for the little that I had, each time I told them. Before revealing myself, I said ‘Be careful , I warn you, I have a manufacturing defect'”.

A physical detail that does not seem to have shocked her former boyfriends. “I was still well proportioned, very pretty naturally. Thank you dad, thank you mom! It wasn’t horrible, it’s not as if I was missing a breast, anyway. But here it is, I like perfection . So as soon as I could and I had some money…”, clarified Eve Angeli.

However, she is not ready to repeat the experience. “We butcher you. If you want it to be natural, it’s behind the muscle, so you have recovery behind it, you’re in pain for a long time. If someone had told me how painful it would be, I wouldn’t wouldn’t have done […]”, analyzed Eve Angeli, bitter. “We have like a muscle tear and it’s torture, we stay with a blindfold for a week or two. We have to wash with it, we sleep with it, we are compressed. It’s a horror.”


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