“We ask that there be a real democratic debate”, defends Mathilde Panot

The member for Val-de-Marne, also president of the group La France insoumise to the National Assembly, returned Tuesday to franceinfo on the surprise suspension of the examination of the bill on the vaccine pass.

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“Nobody wants us to have debates that go on with a secret vote” on the issue of the vaccine pass, said Tuesday, January 4 on franceinfo Mathilde Panot, member of the Val-de-Marne and president of the group La France insoumise (LFI) in the National Assembly, while the National Assembly resumed the debates Tuesday afternoon after a surprise suspension Monday evening.

>> Vaccine pass: follow the debates at the National Assembly in our direct

“We ask that there be a real democratic debate” on the issue of the vaccine pass, she said. “It is too important for the lives of millions of French people for it to happen with a debate on the cheap. We need health democracy.” The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates “that must be convinced and not coerced. That’s why” that rebellious France opposes this text.

France rebellious tabled 97 amendments but Mathilde Panot minimizes their importance. “There are 600 for the whole text. We have been accused of obstructing. We are on debates which deserve to be posed, which deserve to be discussed”, insisted Mathilde Panot. For her, it’s not about “parliamentary jousting. It’s called democracy and we have to accept that there are other possible paths.”

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