“We are working on the possibility of setting up mechanisms that are less dependent on the flow of rivers”, says the Minister for Energy Transition


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On franceinfo, Wednesday, the Minister of Energy Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher assures that the government is working to “adapt nuclear power plants to climate change”.

“We are working on the possibility of setting up less consuming mechanisms, less dependent on the flow of rivers”declared the Minister of Energy Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher on Wednesday April 5 on franceinfo.

>> VIDEO. At the heart of a nuclear power plant undergoing renovation

The cooling of certain nuclear power plants on the banks of rivers is possible thanks to the withdrawal of volumes of water from the rivers, which are then returned to the rivers. “We have analyzes which show that the loss of production is very limited” in the event of global warming beyond 1.5 degrees for this type of power plant, indicates the minister. Those equipped with cooling towers, which spit out the plumes of steam, see part of the water fly away. “We lose 10% water consumption”observes the minister.

Adapt nuclear power plants to climate change

“These subjects have been well projected and they are incorporated into our water plan”confirms Agnès Pannier-Runacher, a few days after Emmanuel Macron announced the investment plan – not yet quantified – to adapt nuclear power plants to global warming. “We must adapt our nuclear power plants to climate change by undertaking a vast investment program to save water and allow them to operate much more in a closed circuit”detailed the President of the Republic.

The Minister for Energy Transition also returned to the “nuclear power plant maintenance program”. “We are entering the spring and summer maintenance program”justified the minister who wants to be reassuring: “EDF maintains its production declarations”.

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