“We are working on it to ban as quickly as possible” this energizing powder to be inhaled through the nose, supports Minister Catherine Vautrin

The ban could be “regulatory or legislative” announced the Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity.


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The Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity, May 27, 2024. (STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP)

“We are working on it to ban it as quickly as possible” Sniffy, the powder to inhale through the nose, supports Friday May 31 on France Inter Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor, Health and Solidarity.

This white powder, presented as energizing, arouses controversy because its consumption is reminiscent of cocaine. The product, prohibited for minors, is sold in certain tobacconists and on the internet. The minister even sees “the archetype of the catastrophic gesture”. Catherine Vautrin believes that it “There’s nothing worse” that of “start learning to sniff”. “We must ban it as quickly as possible, by regulation or by law”, she adds. Already on Saturday May 25, the Minister Delegate in charge of Health and Prevention Frédéric Valletoux called for “ban it” and promised to be “intractable” on this topic.

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