“We are very cautious for the moment”, says the former president of the Assembly of Corsica Jean-Guy Talamoni

Jean-Guy Talamoni deplores: “judging by the words of the Minister of the Interior, we have no guarantee” on a real autonomy for Corsica.

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“We are very, very cautious at the moment”, reacts on Wednesday March 16 on franceinfo the former president of the Assembly of Corsica and figure of the independence movement Jean-Guy Talamoni after the arrival on the island of Gérald Darmanin. As he had announced in the columns of Corse-Matin, the Minister of the Interior explained that he had “proposed to local elected officials to agree on the statute of autonomy by the end of the year”.

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“If it is real autonomy, yes, it is progress. But today, judging by the words of the Minister of the Interior, we have no guarantee”deplores Jean-Guy Talamoni.

There are very practical subjects on the language question, the land question, the economic question, the tax status… On all these questions, the minister is extremely cautious, even reluctant.

Jean-Guy Talamoni, former President of the Assembly of Corsica


The separatist even fears a setback compared to what had been announced by the state at the start of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate. “In 2018, it was recorded that there would be a constitutional revision and an article devoted to Corsica to allow a certain number of advances. Today, we say ‘well, maybe there will be a revision ‘. We can’t help but think that Mr Darmanin’s mission is to put out the fire…”.

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