“We are still today in a state of mind which is rather to convince instead of forcing” to vaccination, according to Yaël Braun-Pivet.

We are still today in a state of mind which is rather to convince instead of constrain“, reacted Monday, December 20 on franceinfo Yaël Braun-Pivet, LREM member of Yvelines and president of the Laws Commission of the National Assembly, about the vaccination which could become compulsory to have a health pass in order.

The measure to replace the health pass with a vaccination pass will be discussed in the National Assembly in early January. Prime Minister Jean Castex had indeed announced the transformation of this pass last week, at the end of a Health Defense Council. “I have no worries that in the Assembly we will have a majority of votes to introduce a vaccination pass, said Yaël Braun-Pivet. We have had different gradations with the health pass: we have increased the number of places that require it, and there we have to take a step forward, facing a certain number of our compatriots who do not wish to be vaccinated and thus endanger all the French, besides themselves. “

The chairperson of the Laws Committee confirmed that the government’s idea was to move towards compulsory vaccination, but added: “We are still today in a state of mind which is rather to convince instead of constraining, it is a gradation. “

“We are trying to take it step by step, but if one day we see that all the steps we have taken are not enough to abolish this epidemic, we may have to go so far as to require vaccination.”

Yaël Braun-Pivet, LREM MP

to franceinfo

She also recalled the importance of barrier gestures, the vaccine and the health pass, “the trio of measures that make it possible to contain the epidemic as well as possible“, but not from the”conquer“, considering that”the vaccination pass is a lesser evil compared to curfews, confinements“.

Yaël Braun-Pivet also said he was in favor of the corporate health pass, while a first discussion took place between the Minister of Labor and the social partners. “In business as elsewhere we rub shoulders and these are places of contamination. It is important to see how to reduce contamination in places of social life, this point must be looked at in consultation with all the players in the business world.“, estimated the president of the commission of the Laws.

She also spoke out in favor of the vaccination of 5-11 year olds. The High Authority for Health has given the green light to the vaccination of children today, excluding any obligation. For Yaël Braun-Pivet, one of the challenges of vaccination for young people “is when they have people around them who have co-morbidities or are immunosuppressed“, which would therefore allow them to protect those around them.”This vaccination is possible, it is recommended, but it is not compulsory“, she added.

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