“We are quite calm,” says Sébastien Chenu.

The vice-president of the RN takes the example of François Bayrou acquitted for the same type of trial.


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Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the RN, guest of the 8.30 franceinfo of Friday September 13, 2024 (FRANCEINFO / RADIOFRANCE)

“We are quite calm”said Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the National Rally and deputy for the North, on franceinfo on Friday, September 13, as the party’s trial, accused of fictitious jobs in the European Parliament, opens on September 30.

He “formally contests” the revelations of the daily newspaper Libération, which accuses the president of the RN Jordan Bardella of having benefited from false documents to keep him out of the trial. But Sébastien Chenu specifies “that in general, we do not file complaints against the press”However, he criticizes the daily’s journalist, Tristan Berteloot, author of the investigative book “Winning machine”to be “a political activist”, Who “made the fight against the RN the alpha and omega of his commitment”.

On the outcome of the trial, “We saw François Bayrou, in the same kind of trial, who was acquitted, so we don’t see why there would be, for the same accusations, differential treatment,” he said. He also claims that “Marine Le Pen is combative”and that she has no intention of keeping a low profile in the media before, during or after the trial. “I don’t think it’s Marine Le Pen’s temperament to hide away”.

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