“We are paying for the lack of voluntarism of the European Union of France”, regrets Matthieu Orphelin

“We are very far from the expectations that we could have even if we should not despair”, estimates thehe environmental deputy, support of Yannick Jadot, after the agreement signed at the end of the COP26 on Saturday.

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“We also pay for the lack of voluntarism of the European Union of France”, during this Climate Summit in Glasgow denounced Saturday, November 13 on franceinfo, Matthieu Orphelin environmental deputy for Maine-et-Loire, ex-LREM, support of Yannick Jadot, after this COP26 agreement.

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France and Europe “were very discreet and did not give this impetus which would allow all the countries to really want to step up the action”. And “what is certain is that it is a minimum text which was adopted this evening after a last very chaotic session”. However “This should not be a halt in efforts. We do not have the right to despair because the stakes are so great”, advances the environmentalist deputy.

franceinfo: What is your first reaction to this COP26 agreement?

What is certain is that it is a minimum text which was adopted this evening after a last very chaotic session where countries like China and India introduced an amendment to replace the exit of coal by a reduction . Because that changes everything because if we really want to achieve the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limit warming to 1.5 degrees, that cannot be done by continuing as much on coal. There is a lot of disappointment, the road will be long, we are very far from the expectations we could have even if we should not despair.

Is this a total disappointment for you?

It is not a very positive COP because there has been no progress on the action over the next ten years. There has been no progress on funding. This is what we are paying tonight. There are no quantified efforts from the rich countries. This agreement does not satisfy all those who are fighting to put the leaders of this world before their responsibilities on the road to a real massive reduction in the coming years of greenhouse gas reductions. It’s a bad result for this COP in Glasgow.

What needs to be done to keep getting things done?

We must continue to act. We also pay for the lack of voluntarism of the European Union of France during this COP. They were very discreet and did not give the impetus that would allow all countries to really want to step up action. There have also been positive things and technical advances, such as the end of double counting of emissions, but the major political signal is missing. This should not be a halt in efforts. We do not have the right to despair because the stakes are so great. This is not the end we expected and the tears of the president of the COP showed that we missed out on the new impetus.

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