“We are on a fairly mixed or even defeatist feeling”, regrets Oxfam France

Élise Naccarato, Climate Campaign Manager at Oxfam France, deplores a “lack of ambition” on the part of States.

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“For the moment, we are on a rather mixed feeling, even defeatist”, estimates on franceinfo Friday November 12 Élise Naccarato, Climate campaign manager at Oxfam France, while the COP26 which has been taking place for nearly two weeks in Glasgow (Scotland) is coming to an end, Saturday November 13. A joint declaration by the 197 signatory parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is still pending.

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“The fault of the lack of ambition perhaps, the fault of the reluctance, the fault perhaps also of the language, regrets Élise Naccarato. We talked about it a lot during this COP. We ask the States, we press them, we advise them. We can see that this is rather timid language in fact, at a given moment when we no longer have time to take half measures, there is a climate emergency that is there. “

“The bad weather is there, the floods, the storms, the droughts. There really we need all the States to agree to bring this climate justice to life.”

Elise naccarato

to franceinfo

“There are some interesting points. We cannot say that it is all black. For example, the fact of writing in black and white that we have to get out of fossil fuels. It had never been written in a text around of the COP. There are still reasons to hope, but we are very, very far from the target “, she concludes.

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