“We are not rebellious at all”, defends a MoDem deputy

“We are not rebellious at all”defends himself Thursday, October 13 on franceinfo Erwan Balanant, spokesperson for the Democrat group (MoDem and independents) in the National Assembly and MoDem deputy for Finistère while an amendment to the budget for 2023 aimed at dissuading large companies from distributing “super-dividends” was adopted on Wednesday at first reading, against the advice of the government.

The draft finance law (PLF) is currently being examined by the deputies and the government is chaining setbacks sometimes emanating from its own camp. “This super-dividend amendment”proposed by the Modem and which received the support of some twenty Renaissance deputies, “is more in the spirit of macronie with this idea of ​​taxing super-dividends and not super-profits”, justifies Erwan Balanant.

franceinfo: Are you rebellious?

Erwan Balanant : We are not slingers at all. We’ve been talking about this topic for a few years now. We don’t take anyone by surprise. This amendment on super-dividends is more in the spirit of macronie with this idea of ​​taxing super-dividends and not super-profits, which is slightly different and I think it is good that we are explains.

So the macronists haven’t understood the spirit of macronie, is that what you’re saying?

What I’m saying is that we have a real social issue and a real questioning of a certain number of our fellow citizens who take a dim view of companies that earn a lot of money. We think it’s very good for companies to earn a lot of money, it just needs that this money is well distributed, that everyone has the impression of social justice and that the value created is well rewarded. This is the meaning of this amendment which taxes super-dividends and will encourage companies to invest in particular in employees by rewarding them better while retaining the possibility of paying dividends to their shareholders.

Isn’t that what the Nupes say about it ?

No way. The Nupes wants to tax the super-profits almost regretting that French companies succeed. We have a balanced amendment, which strengthens the social pact and the economy of our country by moving towards more investment rather than dividends to shareholders.

So why, in your opinion, did the macronists not vote for this amendment?

There were other amendments afterwards. I think that we will find an agreement around this amendment which is good for moving forward and which responds to the concerns of the French. We are faithful, loyal and attentive allies. The 49-3 cannot exist without there being a preliminary debate and it is progressing rather well. If our oppositions show us proof that they do not want to vote for this budget, we will have to go through a 49-3. But there are two types of 49-3: one that is dry, decided on authority and one that is done in serenity and which amends a certain number of devices.

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