“We are not going to blame a parliamentarian for taking the time to discuss!”, hopes socialist senator David Assouline

The examination of the text of the law on the reform of pensions continues in the Senate, Saturday, March 4. The left-wing elected representatives are multiplying their speeches and explanations of vote. PS senator from Paris David Assouline justifies it by the need to “take the time to discuss”.

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“We are not going to blame a parliamentarian for taking the time to discuss, especially since time is constrained”, said Saturday March 4 on franceinfo David Assouline, PS senator from Paris. In Senate pension reform review, Republicans accuse Socialists of doing “of the obstruction, cordial, but of the obstruction”while the left has multiplied the speeches.

franceinfo: What do you say to the Republicans?

David Assouline: It’s pretty classic. We defend the rights of Parliament and our role as parliamentarians. LR senators have decided to act as auxiliaries to the government and do not speak, even though they have been very active in negotiations with the government. This reform unites the right. We are not going to blame a parliamentarian, on such an important reform, which concerns millions of French people, for taking the time to discuss, especially since time is constrained! We would have liked to have had the time to discuss seriously, but it is a simple financial law to come and try to save money without involving those who, thanks to the crisis, have multiplied their profits by billions.

Does tabling thousands of amendments allow the discussions to progress seriously?

Yes of course. If it is done in a well-reasoned, serious way, this allows each parliamentarian to express his point of view, to develop an argument different from that of another. It’s traditional. It is not because we are senators that we are not combative. The left is fighting this reform and wants to do everything to convince other parliamentarians and also the country that this reform is not good for the country.

The article on special diets is being debated today in the Senate. Union actions are already taking place to oppose it. Is this a problem for parliamentary debate?

Trade union action has its own autonomy and everyone must respect the action of the other. We are parliamentarians, we act with our prerogatives to try to move, to convince, and there is the trade union movement. It doesn’t bias. It is normal, he does not have to take into account what is happening in Parliament. He is deploying his demands, he has asked to negotiate and there has been no serious negotiation. The central trade unions are completely responsible, everyone sees it.

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