We are not fairies | The comfort of friendship ★★★★

Gathered in 2018 in the collection of poetic dialogues directed by Sara Dignard at Éditions du passage, What exists between us, Louise Dupré and Ouanessa Younsi were already friends. They grow bold in we are not fairies to confront “the true name of fear” in a heartwarming exchange.

Posted at 2:30 p.m.

mario nailer
special cooperation

They sign the first and last texts of the book with four hands, otherwise each responds to the other by interposed pages throughout this untroubled journey towards childhood, overflowing with respect and admiration.

They are “little brown girls” who hold hands over memories. The authors turn their backs on the old storms and enter into the language as into a house. Confidences, doubts and questioning are shared on the way to this bond which is confirmed and strengthened.

The pandemic is here, as is barbarism. Death lurks, but the child smiles and irreversibly drags them away. Two women recognize each other in their way of taming the world, of coping, of revealing their intimate thoughts.

Their poems need each other. Friendship is understanding beyond words, during “invisible days”, and knowing that, even dead, they would be “always women”. They sing the praises of mothers, sisters, other poet friends too.

Their book is the celebration of what will remain stronger than all the ends of the world. Louise Dupré and Ouanessa Younsi are not fairies, but they are always thirsty.

we are not fairies

we are not fairies

inkwell memory

120 pages

source site-53