“We are not anti-police”, assures Mathilde Panot, leader of LFI deputies

Mathilde Panot, president of the La France insoumise group at the National Assembly, guest on 8:30 a.m. on franceinfo, Saturday September 23.

“We are not anti-police”, says the president of the La France insoumise (LFI) group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, on franceinfo. LFI, like “157 organizations”including the CGT and the Human Rights League, are calling for demonstrations on Saturday September 23, in several cities in France, “against systemic racism, police violence and for public freedoms”.

>> Demonstrations against police violence: “Participating means endorsing slogans that hurt the police,” says the Paris police prefect

“We are used to what Mr. Darmanin does in particular: trying to discredit us and repaint us as anti-cops”she also declares. “Rest assured that I will ensure that those who smear you, insult you and attack you answer for their actions before justice”declares the Minister of the Interior in a “letter of support to police officers and gendarmes” that franceinfo obtained.

As for anti-police slogans, such “everyone hates the police”the member for Val-de-Marne affirms that she “never sang them”. For her, all this is nothing more than “little political things”. The fact remains: the Socialist Party and the Communist Party refused to call for participation in this Saturday’s demonstrations. Neither of them want to be associated with these slogans.

“The bond of trust between the police and the population is deteriorating”

“Ask yourself why, when police officers are asked to kill people, then people sing ‘everyone hates the police'”points out the leader of the Insoumis deputies, alluding to a technique for maintaining order. “What is happening in this country worries me, because the bond of trust between the police and the population is deteriorating”she adds.

For her, “no one wins in this situation, starting with the police and the residents of working-class neighborhoods who are the ones who then mourn the dead”, she underlines, almost three months after the death of Nahel, killed by a police officer in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine). Also, “What we are asking while marching today is that political actions be taken so that we find a republican police force”.

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