“We are not afraid of the debate, but the idea is a debate without clash”

The historian hosts the show every Sunday on France 5. And since the start of the school year, it has been setting audience records and approaching one million viewers. On franceinfo, Thomas Snégaroff returns to the structure of the program which seeks to shed light on current events through speech and debate between specialists and intellectuals.

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Reading time : 1 min.

At the head of Political Issues on France Inter for a year, Thomas Snégaroff has also been hosting since the start of the school year C Policy.

The show was created in 2009, and hosted successively by Nicolas Demorand, Géraldine Muhlmann, Caroline Roux then Karim Rissouli. Since the start of the school year, it is therefore Thomas Snégaroff who has been the historian of franceinfo for 10 years, through one of his chronicles: info story. He also received the Jean Lacouture prize in 2021 for his book Putzi published by Gallimard.

To design his program, he seeks to set up a serene debate of ideas: “We are not afraid of the debate at all, but the idea is of a debate without clash. We are not absolutely looking for the little phrase, we are not looking for the incident and on the contrary we are even trying to avoid it, to prevent it. And the idea is to advance collective intelligence“, comments Thomas Snegaroff.

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