“We are living the start of an Omicron wave”, warns Gabriel Attal

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13:32 : “Today, the unvaccinated represent less than 10% of the population, but more than half of the sick in the hospital”. According to the spokesperson, however, the number of appointments for first injections has increased in recent days.

13:31 : The government spokesperson again encourages the French to be tested before the holidays. “Given the urgency and the seriousness of the moment, we do not have a moment to lose to vaccinate (…) we can no longer afford to take the slightest risk with people who have not made the choice to protection (…) we assume the vaccination pass. “

1:30 p.m. : “20% of the cases detected in France are linked to the Omicron variant, this is a share that will double in the next 2 to 3 days. It is gradually becoming the majority, especially in Ile-de-France, Paris, and soon at the level national.”

13:29 : “The situation is critical, the hospital trend is on the rise, we have exceeded 3,000 people in intensive care”, declares Gabriel Attal, spokesperson of the government, at the exit of the Council of Ministers.


13:27 : Hello @ Matou06. Indeed, in Sweden, DSruptive Subdermals, a company specializing in microchip implants, has developed a health pass to be worn under the skin, reports the AFP agency. “The reason is that I always want to have [le pass sanitaire] handy and when I read my chip I just slide my phone over the chip then unlock it and it opens “, explained the head of the company.


13:25 : A Swedish company offers to have its sanitary pass implanted under the skin thanks to a chip? True or fake?

13:11 : The Council of State rejected the appeal of the National Union of Discotheques and Leisure Places (SNDLL) against the closure of discotheques decided by the government. The court considers that this decision is justified in view of a “clear degradation” the health situation and “inherent contamination risks” to dance in closed spaces.

13:13 : “Children are currently the age group with the highest incidence, we are almost at 1,000 cases per 100,000 children”, explains on franceinfo Daniel Floret, pediatrician and vice-president of the technical committee for vaccinations at the High Authority for Health (HAS). “We must stop saying that we vaccinate children to protect unvaccinated adults, this is not the case: we vaccinate children to protect children.”

12:14 : A note from the Directorate General of Health specifies that the list of available centers can be found on sante.fr. So far, 350 centers have been opened but this figure should be increased by the end of the month. Vaccination can also be done in town, at pediatricians or general practitioners.

12:13 : Hello, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran said this morning that the appointments were going to be put online in the morning. You probably have to wait a bit to find a niche. It is also possible that there are too many connections, as was the case when opening the appointments for the booster dose for adults, and that we have to wait.

12:10 : Hello Elise, Do you know how to find a vaccination appointment for 5-11 year olds? No place indicated in Bordeaux or even in Gironde by Sante.fr, vitemadosis seems loose, doctolib can not find any center with pediatric dose … We have known almost since Sunday that it starts today, but impossible to find where to do it: – (

12:44 : The Chinese authorities have imposed the containment of the city of Xi’an, in the north of the country, which has 13 million inhabitants, due to a rebound in Covid-19 cases. The inhabitants must “stay at home unless there is a compelling reason” and one person per household is allowed to go out shopping “every two days”.

(Shao Rui / Xinhua via AFP)

12h00 : It is noon. We make a new point on the news:

“Today we are opening vaccination for children”, confirms Olivier Véran. Appointments for 5-11 year olds will be possible during the day. Follow our live.

The Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne calls on companies to “to strenghten” telework at the start of the school year with “3 to 4 days” working at home per week.

• A detainee, incarcerated at the Osny remand center (Val-d’Oise), escaped last night from the Pontoise hospital after a woman shot one of the prison officers escorting her for treatment.

The Piton de la Fournaise, the volcano of Reunion, has erupted for the second time of the year this night at 3:30 am (12:30 am in Paris), announces the volcanological observatory.

12:33 : Hello . Simple answer: yes. Regardless of your first two doses, you can receive a Pfizer or Moderna booster dose from the age of 30 (below this age, only Pfizer is injected).

11:57 a.m. : Can we do our third moderna dose if the first two were pfizer?

11:53 : A lot of information is currently given on the Omicron variant and the Covid-19 vaccine. So, to sum it all up, I recommend this short video from Johns Hopkins University in the United States.

11:53 : Hello @Penguin under the tree. A Council of Ministers is being held today and a second government meeting will exceptionally be held next Monday to present the vaccine pass project.

11:48 a.m. : Hello, do we know if the government intends to meet soon to make a decision on the probable next restrictions? Health defense council or other.

11:54 a.m. : The return of the curfew in France soon? “Nothing is excluded in principle but the curfew is not the preferred route for the moment. With this variant the visibility is low so for us on December 31 it is still very far”, estimates the entourage of the Prime Minister with France Televisions.

11:41 a.m. : “There is an old left who no longer knows where she lives. That the Socialists do their primary is their problem! Me, my subject, is to impose ecology in this campaign.”

Yannick Jadot has once again rejected the idea of ​​a primary on the left this morning on France 2.

11:30 : Hello @Grandpa. This is data calculated differently. To summarize, there have been 72,832 new cases reported in the last 24 hours. This corresponds to 54,232 cases per day on average over the last 7 days. This “smoothed” data makes it easier to compare the figures.

11:30 : You say 72,000 cases in 24 hours while on anti covid and on France Info it scores 54,000 in 24 hours so I believe you are increasing to scare the French

11:18 am : “This measure is completely improvised, the government does not know where to turn in the face of the epidemic.”

Philippe Bas, LR senator from La Manche and member of the Senate Law Commission, reacted to the idea of ​​a corporate health pass, mentioned by the government but which will not be part of the bill presented next Monday in Council of Ministers, for lack of “sufficient consensus at this stage”.

11:03 : Hello . Indeed, with 72,832 contaminations in 24 hours, France has broken a record if we exclude the days marked by disturbances of recordings because of public holidays or technical incidents at Public Health France.

11:03 : Hello FI. Are yesterday’s contaminations a record in France?

10h58 : Growth slowed more than initially estimated in the UK in the third quarter, even before the arrival of the Omicron variant. Growth in gross domestic product (GDP) is now estimated for the third quarter at 1.1%, instead of 1.3%.

10:43 am : “Do the sanitary pass checks!”

Didier Chenet, president of the national group of independent hotel and restaurant workers, is appealing to professionals.

09:02 : It is 9 o’clock. We make a new point on the news:

“Today we are opening vaccination for children”, confirms Olivier Véran. Appointments for 5-11 year olds will be possible “in the coming hours”, according to the Minister of Health. Follow our live.

About 20% of Covid-19 cases are linked to the Omicron variant in France, according to Gabriel Attal, the government spokesperson last night. At the same time, Israel announced a fourth dose for those over 60 and caregivers.

• A detainee, incarcerated at the Osny remand center (Val-d’Oise), escaped last night from the Pontoise hospital after a woman shot one of the prison officers escorting her for treatment.

The Piton de la Fournaise, the volcano of Reunion, has erupted for the second time of the year this night at 3:30 am (12:30 am in Paris), announces the volcanological observatory.

8:57 a.m. : The Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, called on companies to “accelerate” the use of teleworking in the face of Covid-19, asking them to prepare “right now” to the “to strenghten” at the start of the school year with a target of 3 to 4 days a week.

08:48 : Will the booster dose be extended for adolescents? “Not at the moment”replied Olivier Véran, without giving further details.

08:47 : “The Rendez Vous [de vaccination pour les enfants de 5 à 11 ans] can start without delay “, clarified Olivier Véran.

08:47 : “Today we are opening vaccination for children”, confirms Olivier Véran. Appointments for 5-11 year olds will be possible “in the coming hours”, according to the Minister of Health.

08:43 : Everything is on the table every week “, says Olivier Véran, without giving further details on possible new health measures.

08:41 : The new Year “is an evening sacrificed for the cause”, recognizes Olivier Véran, after the announcement of the cancellation of the large gatherings planned that night.

08:36 : “So far, in England, the first data shows that there is not a significant progression of severe cases with the Omicron variant.”

08:38 : The Omicron variant should be “majority” by the beginning of January, according to Olivier Véran. More than 100,000 contaminations per day could also be recorded by the end of the month in France, according to the Minister of Health.

08:34 : “The two profiles of intensive care patients are unvaccinated or very fragile people.”

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, is the guest of BFMTV this morning.

08:05 : The police unions are reluctant to strengthen the control of health passes in bars and restaurants. “If we take police and security forces to do health pass control, they are not in other sovereign missions of the state “, deplores Stanislas Gaudon, delegate to the Alliance union.

07:44 : The life expectancy of Americans fell by more than a year and a half in 2020 compared to the previous year. An unprecedented fall for 75 years, largely linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. She went from 78.8 years in 2019 to 77 years in 2020, according to the final figures of the Centers for the prevention and fight against diseases (CDC).

07:29 : Spain yesterday recorded a national record of 49,823 new cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours and the variant Omicron, more contagious, now constitutes almost half of new cases, according to the Ministry of Health. The previous record was nearly 40,000 cases in 24 hours in mid-January, in one of the countries most affected by the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

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