“We are living something crazy, we did not even dream of it”, reacts the director of FC Versailles

“We live a crazy thing” reacted Wednesday, February 9 on franceinfo Jean-Luc Arribart, general manager of the Football Club of Versailles 78, after the qualification of his club for the semi-finals of the Coupe de France football. National 2 fans eliminated Bergerac, another National 2 club, on penalties (1-1, 5 penalties to 4). “It’s hard to realize that it’s true”is surprised Jean-Luc Arribart who says to himself “impressed” over there “good performance” of its players. The semi-final, “we didn’t even dream of it”. So go to the final and win it? “I have the impression that we have the baraka and that nothing can happen to us”launches the director of the club.

franceinfo: How do you experience this qualification?

Jean-Luc Arribart: I can tell you that we spoiled the party a little bit in Périgueux. That was the goal. The coach had asked his players this: we come here to spoil the party. I think it’s successful, after a scenario that gave us some palpitations all the same. Périgueux managed a shot on target. It was in the 88th minute to equalise. And frankly, in this very difficult, hostile atmosphere, I have to take my hat off to my players. Because keeping their composure, mobilizing to achieve a perfect penalty shootout, I found that it was admirable in terms of composure, mastery, brilliance. I am impressed. And then we saw something crazy. How is it that we are in the semi-finals of the Coupe de France? It is hard to realize that this is true.

What is the secret of Versailles’ success?

There is a staff that works very well, a coach who knows his role very well, which he formed at the start of the season, and who manages it with great skill and efficiency. He was able to prepare them in Toulouse for the previous round. And today, in very complicated circumstances, for an extremely high goal – to qualify for the semi-finals – with calm, serenity, a lot of tranquility! Teams are often like their coach.

“This tranquillity, this discipline, this self-confidence, they translated it on the field by having a remarkable behavior and by clinging to this match which was a small National 2 final.”

Jean-Luc Arribart, general manager of the Football Club of Versailles 78

at franceinfo

It was to find out which was the best team in National 2. But frankly, it’s a great performance.

You are one match away from the final at the Stade de France…

It seems crazy to imagine that. Already, we never thought we would reach the semi-finals. We didn’t even dream of it. Imagine that there are pros who spend fifteen years – that was my case – and who never play in a Coupe de France semi-final. For National 2 fans, it’s even rarer. And to think now, that we are there and that we can go even higher, frankly, when we look at the clubs which, potentially, will qualify for the semi-finals, it is still not going to be damn hard . But after all, I have the impression that we have the baraka and that nothing can happen to us. So, not only will we perhaps go to the final, but we will win this Coupe de France.

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