“We are in unprecedented tension because we lack doctors”, warns Franck Devulder




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In duplex in the 11 p.m. of Franceinfo Thursday May 19, Franck Devulder, gastroenterologist and president of the confederation of French medical unions, takes stock of the difficult situation in which hospitals in France find themselves.

The emergency rooms of several hospitals in France find themselves in a very difficult situation. In duplex in the 23h of Franceinfo Thursday, May 19, Franck Devulder, gastroenterologist and president of the confederation of French medical unions, explains that the risk of rupture of access to care “is real. All health professionals, all health actors are worried about it, are concerned about it because we are in an unprecedented situation. We are in a situation where we are six weeks away from the summer period which we know, like the period at the very end of the year, that it is a period usually in tension. And we are already in tension today so we have a summer to come which worries us a lot on the care of our fellow citizens”he points out.

Franck Devulder also mentions the Ségur de la Santé which, according to him, “has not achieved the required objectives”. He has “poured absolutely necessary billions on the public hospital in order to improve a wage policy and we see that it is not enough. We are in unprecedented tension because we lack doctors. This lack of doctors is to be credited , but we are not here to put it on trial, public policies which for 30 or 40 years have seen a reduction, via the numerus clausus, in the number of trained doctors”he explains.

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