The Minister of National Education assures that a “long-term response” will be “at work from the next school year.”
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“We are in difficulty recruiting teachers in certain academies,” recognized Nicole Belloubet, Minister of National Education, Thursday May 9 on franceinfo, while the SNUipp-FSU warns of the lack of teachers in primary schools at the start of the next school year, after the first results of the eligibility tests for school teacher competitions (CRPE). There are “recruitment difficulties” In “certain academies” like those of Créteil or Versailles, where “contractual staff for the next school year” will be recruited, indicates the minister.
Nicole Belloubet also claims that the government has “a long-term response” to the lack of teachers in nursery and primary schools. “We are going to modify the initial training of our teachers”she explains. “From next May”it will be possible to take the CRPE “at Bac+3”, whereas today it takes 5 years of higher education to qualify. The teachers in training will then be “compensated or paid €900 the first year and €1,800 the second year”, while they complete their master’s degree.