“We are in a world of vaccine apartheid”, laments the president of the World Peace Forum



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Pascal Lamy was received on the program “Your political guest” on franceinfo on the eve of the opening of the Paris Peace Forum.

While the global immunization rate is far from a success, Pascal Lamy, president of the Global Peace Forum, who stands at November 11 to 13, 2021 in Paris, estimated Wednesday 10 November that the world was now “in a vaccine apartheid”. “France and Europe have done more than the others with the Covax initiative, but not enough, and by far. We must share the doses that are produced and that some rich countries are storing”, continued the former director of the World Trade Organization, guest of the program “Your political guest” on franceinfo.

“Today there are roughly a billion doses that could be made available to the poorest countries.”

Pascal Lamy, President of the World Peace Forum

on franceinfo

Emmanuel Macron and United States Vice President Kamala Harris will kick off the Paris Peace Forum on Thursday, dedicated this year to reducing global divides. Thirty heads of state and government are expected. Vaccination in the world should be on the menu of discussions, especially since the French president, during his televised address on November 9, said that the “world population as a whole” should be “immune”.


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