The chairman of the European Parliament’s environment committee explains that it is necessary to find “a point of balance” because Ukraine needs outlets to finance the war against Russia.
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“What will be decided today by the heads of state [de l’UE] on the basis of a proposal dating from yesterday, at our request, while maintaining a high degree of solidarity with Ukraine, we are going to put quotas back on Ukrainian chicken, in order to prevent too much destabilization. important part of our sectors”explained Pascal Canfin, Renew MEP, president of the environment committee of the European Parliament, Thursday February 1 on franceinfo.
Since spring 2022, Ukrainian agricultural products, primarily cereals, eggs, sugar, but also poultry, have been exempt from customs duties. The European Union took this decision out of solidarity. Ukrainians “need revenue to finance the war effort”, recalls Pascal Canfin.
A measure denounced by farmers. Imports of Ukrainian chickens into the European Union jumped by 127% in 2023, compared to the previous year. “There is a destabilization”, recognizes Renew MEP. Thus, faced with this situation, Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday that he wanted “regulate” the arrival “of a poultry which was much cheaper coming from Ukraine”. But “while maintaining a high degree of solidarity with Ukraine”would like to add Pascal Canfin on Thursday.
“We try to find a point of balance”he sums up, confiding that “it is not easy” and “It’s a difficult decision to make.” “Technically up to a certain quantity, customs duties do not exist. Beyond a certain quantity, customs duties are reduced in order to contain imports to a level deemed less destabilizing”explains the MEP.