“We are going to have more peaceful relations” with the country, assures Pascale Joannin, the general director of the Robert Schuman Foundation


Video duration:
8 mins

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – S. Chironi

France Televisions

Donald Tusk is in a good position to become Poland’s new prime minister. Present on the 19/20 info set, Pascale Joannin, general director of the Robert Schuman Foundation, discusses the changes that this appointment could bring about.

Present on the 19/20 info set, Monday October 16, Pascale Joanningeneral director of the Robert Schuman Foundation, believes that Donald Tuskhas a real chance of becoming“the next Polish Prime Minister.It is the first party of the opposition coalition which came first“, specifies this specialist. This news marks the return of a pro-European party in Poland. According to Pascale Joannin, “we will have more peaceful relationships” with the country.

A revival in Europe

However, “there are still many people who are close to the PiS in business, and in particular the President of the Republic who is elected until 2025. We will have to negotiate with him to pass a certain number of reforms and regain very strong links with the European Union.“, analyzes this specialist who recalls that Donald Tusk has been “president of the European Council“. Pascale Joannin assures that “smiles are in Brussels and throughout Poland“.

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