Collecting testimonies should in particular allow the government to “build effective public policies”, explained the Minister Delegate in charge of Equality between Women and Men on Friday.
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![The delegate minister was the guest of franceinfo on Friday March 8. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)](
The government “will create a call for testimonials” as part of “the mission on sexist and sexual violence” announced a week ago, Aurore Bergé, the Minister Delegate in charge of Equality between women and men, said on Friday March 8 on franceinfo. “All those who want to testify” can write to the following address: [email protected], said the delegate minister. She assures that it is possible to testify “completely anonymous and confidential”. These testimonies “will not be revealed unless those testifying want to do so”. These messages will be read “by me in particular, by civil servants who work and who accompany us on this mission (lawyers, magistrates, etc.)”explained Aurore Bergé.
“I think that’s also how we get a revelation of what’s going on.” and that the government “will be able to build effective public policies”, argued the Minister Delegate. Aurore Bergé took the example of Civiise, the independent commission on incest and sexual violence against children which received “thousands and thousands of testimonies and that’s also how we became aware of the extent of the phenomena and mechanisms at work”.
Moreover, the “mission on sexist and sexual violence” will seek to understand “the mechanisms at work”then to determine “the counter-powers and regulations that we must put in place”, explained the Minister Delegate. Aurore Bergé notes that no sector is spared. Cinema is experiencing a new #Metoo wave since the testimony of actress Judith Godrèche, and #Metoogarçon, triggered by actor Aurélien Wiik. Aurore Bergé also takes the example of the sporting world. “When we have such hierarchical domination that is established but there is no counter-power”THE “more vulnerable, more fragile”those who “are afraid for their career”do not necessarily have “the means to act”she regretted.
A “three month” mission
Thus, this mission is launched with the “ministries of Justice, Sports, Culture, Civil Service so as to guarantee that wherever there is this domination, this hierarchical power, there are also counter-powers” to fight against this violence. “This is what we must guarantee”, added Aurore Bergé. The minister confirms that this “mission on sexist and sexual violence” will last “three months” because “the idea is to go quickly and be very efficient”.
Aurore Bergé does not necessarily envisage more budgetary resources. According to her, it is above all “to impose clear rules in all these organizations” to fight against gender-based and sexual violence. While the Ministry responsible for Equality between women and men sees its budget decrease by 7 million euros, Aurore Bergé “states very clearly” that “not a euro will be taken on the question of the fight against violence against women, on family planning”. “For the moment”there is no “not much” that the minister is ready to sacrifice but “It’s a discussion we’re having.” with the Ministry of the Economy which announced 10 billion savings in 2024.