“We are getting closer to the end …”, the destabilizing confession of Gérard Vives, soon to be 60 years old, in the middle of an interview!

Soon, he will blow out, hold on tight, his sixtieth candle. Gérard Vives, who has not aged a bit, is however very complexed by this number. “Today, you live it well your age?”Jordan de Luxe asked him in a recent interview. “No, I’m not living it well. Because the older you get, the closer you get to the end, so that breaks my spirits”he immediately replied.

“Getting old is not nice (…) Either we get old or we die, so I prefer to grow old. But we are better at 20 years old anyway”continued the former star of the Girls next door.

The main interested party also made it known, during this interview, that he had considered cosmetic surgery in order to “have your eyelids removed a little to have a less droopy look”.

On the other hand, if there is one subject that Gérard Vives refuses to address, it is his love life. On this, he prefers to remain discreet: “In the 1950s, movie stars, you had to go to the movies and you didn’t know anything about them, and that’s what was good. Now knowing that I have hemorrhoids or that I’m eating snowflake oats every morning, I find that we no longer dream. We don’t give a fuck.”

See also: Gérard Vives victim of a serious accident!


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