The first secretary of the PS is worried about the high voting intentions for the RN and Reconquest lists and calls on the left “to wake up”.
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“We are unfortunately facing an unprecedented wave of extreme right”deplores Sunday April 14 Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, in the program “Political Questions” on France Inter and franceinfo TV, in partnership with Le Monde, the day after an Ipsos survey for Radio France and Le Parisien, giving in head of voting intentions in the European elections the list of the National Rally.
According to this survey, the list led by Jordan Bardella brings together 32% of voting intentions and that of Reconquête, led by Marion Maréchal, collects 6.5% of voting intentions. These results seem to worry the boss of the socialists. “The great event of the European election threatens to be the strength, the power, of the extreme right in France”, he castigates. Olivier Faure therefore calls on the left to “wake up”recalling that she “a responsability”.
The left around 30%
The PS/Place publique list led by Raphaël Glucksmann is credited with 13% of voting intentions, followed by those of LFI and the Ecologists, at 7% each. “I’m not going to rejoice when I see a score [global] from the left around 30%”, reacts Olivier Faure. The first secretary of the PS therefore wants “reach out to all voters who want to find a positive offer that will help beat Renaissance” but also of “begin to initiate a political offer that could, tomorrow, beat the far right in the presidential election”. If he assures not “confusing deadlines” European of June 9 and presidential of 2027, Olivier Faure still wants the political parties of the left to question and think “to meet again”.
For a coalition on the left
The boss of the socialists also denounces the “attacks [venant] des Insoumis, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead”which essentially target the head of the socialist list and Public Square Raphaël Glucksmann. “Is this the rally? Is this the desire to bring the entire left together?”, he asks himself. Olivier Faure judges this “curious design”. “When you want to lead a coalition, you respect everyone”he says.
The PS deputy for Seine-et-Marne says he has “enough of these hegemonic reflexes”while recognizing that this could have been “the case for a long time” of his party. From now on, Olivier Faure no longer wishes “of a party that considers itself hegemonic“. “It’s true for the PS, it must be true for the Rebels, the Environmentalists and the Communists”, he adds. Rather, he pleads for a “coalition, which operates according to democratic rules, where we always seek common and compatible positions”.