“We are doing too much”, declares Eric Zemmour for whom the extension of the sanitary pass is a “tactical skill”

“For a year and a half, we have played a lot with the fear of people, it is very excessive, we are doing too much and we have been doing too much from the start”, said polemicist Éric Zemmour, interviewed Monday, November 22 on franceinfo, about the Covid-19 epidemic. The one who has not yet announced his presidential candidacy called for “bring this epidemic to its proper extent”, considering moreover that “everyone is doing too much”, especially other European countries.

>> Presidential 2022, purchasing power, Covid-19 … Eric Zemmour’s “8h30 franceinfo”

“During the first confinement, we had the impression that it was the blitz, that we were bombarded in London by the German army every day, and that is doing the government a service”, continues Eric Zemmour. According to him, the health pass, “is not a priority subject, it is a tactical skill of Emmanuel Macron and all the media” allowing to “change the subject” not to talk about this “major subject” which he considers to be immigration.

Éric Zemmour also felt that it was necessary “stop being so brutal with these people”, while the government recorded the sending of 25 members of the GIGN and 10 people of the Raid to Guadeloupe, faced with a series of violence originating from the challenge of the vaccination obligation of caregivers.

“There is a real incomprehension between the populations of Guadeloupe, Antilles, France and Emmanuel Macron. He has a problem with the people.”

Eric Zemmour

to franceinfo

The far-right polemicist said to himself “shocked” by the fact “to fire caregivers who are not vaccinated” and considered “shocking” the vaccination obligation of caregivers in general. “We understood that the vaccine does not prevent transmission, it only avoids most of the serious consequences”, says Eric Zemmour.

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