Doctor Arnaud Chiche, anesthetist-resuscitator, deplored the “degraded” situation at the public hospital, while Emmanuel Macron promised Tuesday evening to relieve congestion in the emergency services.
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“We are doing nothing to have more caregivers in hospitals”, said Tuesday, January 16 on franceinfo, Doctor Arnaud Chiche, anesthetist-resuscitator, founder and president of the Collectif Santé en Danger. He responded to Emmanuel Macron’s promise to relieve emergency services. A promise made by the Head of State a few months ago, which he reiterated this Tuesday evening to the press.
“The Covid crisis was almost four years ago and it highlighted the state of the French hospital. At the time we explained that we were short of staff. In four years, the situation has changed. ‘is degraded’, deplores Arnaud Chiche. According to him, the head of state “can’t say that things are settled. He can say that he will continue but nothing is done.”
“Listen to health professionals”
For Arnaud Chiche, relieving emergency services requires being “capable of hospitalizing the sick. And to hospitalize them, nurses are needed to open beds but the attractiveness measures are not arriving.” The doctor reminds that the Ségur de la santé “at four years old” and “it was catching up, filling the hospital debt”. “We are doing nothing to have more caregivers in hospitalshe adds. We can boast about things, that’s not why we’re going to achieve them.”
On the promise to help nurses find accommodation in big cities: “This is essential”says the anesthetist-resuscitator “but what a waste of time”. “We’ve been asking for this for years. In cities like Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon there are nurses who are deserting hospitals in city centers because they no longer have the means to train.”
Arnaud Chiche now hopes that Emmanuel Macron “will ask Gabriel Attal and the Minister of Health to listen to health professionals”. According to him, only they “know what could improve things for the French”.