“We are doing a service” to the government, with this decision of the Council of State, ironically the Respire association

The Council of State has given the government two months to take the decree setting up the technical control for motorized two-wheelers, in accordance with a European obligation that France has always been reluctant to apply.

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Scooters parked in the streets of Paris, September 16, 2020. (MAXPPP)

The Respire association welcomes the decision of the Council of State which gives the government two months to introduce technical control for motorized two-wheelers. The government is “very happy that we seized the Council of State because we are doing them a favor so as not to assume responsibility for this decision themselves“, ironically this Friday on franceinfo Tony Renucci, director of the Respire association.

For his part, the Minister Delegate for Transport Clément Beaune immediately reacted, saying that the government would apply “of course the decision of the Council of State“and that he himself would specify”in the next few days the timetable and the modalities. The cost has not yet been fixed, but it is a cost that must become part of our customs (…) above all what we must see is what we will save behind for public health ( …) also in terms of quality of life“, he specifies.

“We have to move on”

The director of the Respire association regrets the way in which the consultation took place around the implementation of this technical control. “I don’t know if we can talk about dialoguenotes Tony Renucci. I no longer had to deal with insults, intimidation, death threats from certain activists who were a bit too extremist, so I won’t talk about dialogue, there was no dialogue“.

Tony Renucci thinks “now that we have an end point, it’s time to put this process behind us and apply it, we have to move on“.

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